Various fertilizers are produced from the biomass left after production of biogas.

Biomass after anaerobic digestion

Biomass is a valuable organic fertilizer containing from 2 % to 4 % of dry materials. It can be added to soil, grasslands and winter crops with a sewage truck or special irrigation-supplementation facilities. It is a valuable product that increases amount of humus, improves structure of the soil.


Compost fertilizer is a bulk and biodegraded material containing from 15 % to 20 % of dry materials. It is rich in micro and macro-nutrients. It can be disseminated on the soil using manure spreaders or disseminators. It has a particular value for crops, potatoes and vegetables.

Biomass concentrate

Biomass concentrate is a liquid organic fertilizer produced by separating liquid fraction of a biomass and by concentrating it. It has from 6 % to 12 % of dry material and contains a huge concentration of micro and macro nutrients essential for all kinds of plants. It can be added to soil, grasslands and winter crops with a sewage truck or special irrigation-supplementation facilities. (See Biomass concentrate)

Many farmers are happy using UAB “Kurana” produced fertilizers.

Call us +370 657 26097 (Lukas) and we will consult you